Chew food on one side What impact does it have on health?

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Chew food on one side What impact does it have on health?

Chewing food is an important process in digestion. It helps food be broken down into smaller pieces and nutrients absorbed more easily. Chewing food with only one side can have many negative effects on your health as follows สมัคร ufabet

  • Crooked face

Chewing food on only one side causes the muscles in the cheek on the side that chews more often to work harder. This may cause the muscles on that side to grow larger than the other side. Can cause a distorted face

  • Can’t speak clearly

Chewing food on one side can affect the functioning of the muscles in the mouth and tongue. It may cause speech to be unclear.

  • Feeling pain in the jaw joint

Chewing food on one side can cause the jaw joint to work harder. It may result in pain in the jaw joint.

  • It’s easier to form tartar.

Chewing food on only one side can cause food particles to accumulate more often on the side you chew on. May cause tartar to form more easily.

  • Teeth wear down more easily on the side that you chew frequently.

Chewing food on only one side may put more pressure on the teeth on the side that chews more often. It may cause the teeth to wear down more easily.

Causes of chewing food on only one side

Chewing food on only one side can cause by the following reasons:

  • Problems with teeth such as tooth decay, loose teeth, worn out teeth, etc.
  • Loss of teeth , resulting in no teeth for chewing and having to move food to the other canine
  • jaw injury
  • Chewing on one side because of habit
  • Chewing incorrectly, such as not chewing thoroughly