Why are “foods with pungent smells” not allow to eat

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Why are “foods with pungent smells” not allow to eaten during the Vegetarian Festival?

This year’s Vegetarian Festival falls on 15-23 October 2023. Vegetarian Festival is consider a festival. Which Thai-Chinese people observe vegetarian precepts for 9 days and 9 nights, abstaining from eating meat and food with pungent odors such as garlic, onions (scallions). , fragrant leaves, lak kiao, chives, tobacco leaves (cigarettes, tobacco, narcotics) during the vegetarian festival People therefore prefer to eat vegetables and plant-based foods. And do you know why food with pungent smells is a food group. That is not allowed to eaten during the Vegetarian Festival?

Food with strong odors is not consider food during the vegetarian festival. This is because it is believed according to Buddhism and Taoism. That these foods have a strong odor and may affect the concentration and mind of those who practice vegetarianism. Report from https://ufabet999.com

In Buddhism, it is believe that pungent food is food.

That has a strong odor and can cause the mind of the person who eats it to become distracted and distracted. This may affect concentration in mindfulness and meditation. For this reason, there is a prohibition on eating pungent food during the Vegetarian Festival.

In Taoism, it is believed that pungent food is food. That has a strong odor and can cause anger and hatred in the hearts of those who eat it. which may affect the mind to cause evil For this reason, there is a prohibition on eating pungent food during the Vegetarian Festival.

However, nowadays the belief in the prohibition of eating pungent food. During the Vegetarian Festival has begun to relax somewhat. Some people may eat small amounts of pungent foods or only certain types of food. However, it is still consider. That food with strong odors is not commonly eaten during the vegetarian festival.

In addition to religious beliefs Foods with strong odors are also viewe as having strong odors. and may cause the eater to experience stomach discomfort or bloating. For this reason, there is a prohibition on eating pungent foods during the Vegetarian Festival for the safety of the health of those who practice vegetarianism.