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Sleepwalking disrupts sleep quality and can cause accidents.

Sleepwalking disrupts sleep quality and can cause accidents. Learn how to prevent it. What is sleepwalking?  Sleep disorders are divided into two types: sleepwalking (somnambulism) and sleep talking (sleep talking). Sleepwalking is one of the most common parasomnias. It is a sleep disorder that causes

How to treat tapeworm?

How to treat tapeworm? In general, the treatment of tapeworms or the method of eliminating tapeworms mainly uses medication. The drugs use for treatment are mostly as follows Praziquantel A widely used anti-tapeworm drug, Praziquantel works by interfering with the movement of the tapeworm through

Food that reduces vaginal odor

“When your vagina smells”, it can cause a loss of confidence. Try choosing to eat some supplementary foods. It may help reduce odor and increase good bacteria. Reveals what foods women should avoid. Food can make you smell because the food you eat has both