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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

5 ways to deal with dark circles and bags under the eyes

Apart from allergies, dry skin and dehydration, there are other factors that can cause puffiness under the eyes. These factors can also cause dark circles under the eyes, especially when the skin under the eyes is very thin. Especially as women get older, under eye

How to get rid of the problem of a “wrinkled neck”

Neck wrinkles or neck lines are similar to other lines you might see around your mouth, eyes, hands, or forehead. While wrinkles are a natural sign of aging, certain factors, such as smoking or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, can make them more noticeable.

Eating a lot of nuts. Is something wrong?

   In addition to eating too many nuts menu, it can cause you to gain weight. Eating large amounts of nuts can also cause frequent farting. Because beans contain oligosaccharides (Oligosaccharide), which is a component of sugar that is difficult to digest. The small intestine cannot absorb it like other sugars,

The benefits of green peas are good in a way that promotes health.

In addition to being a food with high nutritional value. Green peas themselves also have many health benefits. Therefore, this type of bean becomes a food that is completely good in terms of sweet and crisp taste and health maintenance. The benefits of green peas are as follows: 1. Rich in

Diseases in which you should not eat too much garlic.

People in this group should be careful about eating excessive amounts of garlic. Including garlic extract. Because it may affect illness symptoms as know follows: People who have an allergic reaction Both people who are allergic to the smell and allergic to the substances in garlic โปรโมชั่น ufabet People with gastritis Because garlic has its

Gluten is a component of what foods?

Gluten containing foods include grains. Such as whole wheat, wheat bran, barley, rye, wheat germ, or other grains. Such as triticale, durum wheat and spelled flour. For example, and can be found in processed grain products. Such as bread, pasta, pizza, cereal, bread, crackers, bread crumbs, seitan, cookies and baked

Botulinum Toxin, where is the injection given? What does it help?

Botulinum Toxin, where is the injection given? What does it help? Problems with aging A big problem for both men and women. Because with age comes the traces of experience. Raised eyebrows wrinkled His brows wrinkled. including an unshaped face It easily causes a lack of confidence. I believe that if

6 foods that contain good fats Helps lose weight Reduce cholesterol

6 foods that contain good fats Helps lose weight Reduce cholesterol. Not all fats are evil. Because in reality Some types of fat are necessary for the body to function. Especially if we are looking to lose weight. Healthy fats can help you lose weight. Like other macronutrients, fat is also an

7 clean shrimp menus, delicious, easy to make, not fattening

7 clean shrimp menus, delicious, easy to make, not fattening, a weight loss menu, low in calories, pleasing to the health crowd. Report from โปรโมชั่น ufabet Today we would like to recommend a clean shrimp menu that is delicious, easy to make, and doesn’t make

Advice on how behave after having filler injections

Advice on how to behave after having filler injections. Immediately after the filler injection, there may be red, swollen skin, itching, and a lump under the skin at the injection site. These symptoms are normal symptoms after injection. And these symptoms usually disappear within 48 hours,